
Wednesday, June 12, 2013

My first time

No one ever forgets their first right?  Esha here and my first time, my very first Trini Carnival was 1998.  

Having spent part of my childhood in Trinidad, I always wanted to return for Carnival and play mas; the whole nine yards.  1998 was the first year I had been back "home" since leaving for Canada.  From what I can remember, it was an overwhelming trip - seeing family I hadn't seen in years, my first Trini fete, which was Bacchanal Wednesday, my first mas experience - with Poison (of course!), first Maracas cool down, complete with bake and shark...I remember it was an amazing, epic, unforgettable experience that changed my life.  

Once you get bitten with the Carnival bug, it takes a hold of you.  You HAVE to go to Trinidad Carnival - year, after year, after year. 

Want to hear more about it?  Visit our new blog, Carnivalista Lifestyle, for an updated interview: click here.  

Til de next lime,