
Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Top 3 Trinidad Carnival experiences you must have

1. J'ouvert
This is easily one of the most unique experiences you will ever have. J'ouvert in Trinidad cannot be missed! You awake on Carnival Monday morning in the wee hours,  head to a meeting point with your band, have a very early breakfast and then the street party begins. A big truck fires up the music and you're off - chipping, jumping and wining down de road.
Oh, and then there's the paint,  mud, oil or chocolate (depending on your band) that you put where you want! Partying in the streets until day light;  j'ouvert is an amazing experience!

2. Mas
BBF - Bikini (or shorts), beads and feathers - your ultimate fantasy!  Trini Mas, short for masquerade is an over the top, colorful, 2 day spectacular event.  Starting with J'ouvert (referenced above), Carnival Monday starts with your chosen mas band.  Wear some or none of your costume on this day; it's allowed as this is the more casual day of its twin sister, Carnival Tuesday, where full costume and makeup, glitter, jewels and "pretty mas" are the norm.  Depending on your band, you will have all-inclusive access - meals, plus open mobile bars, portable bathrooms - everything is in "de band", so you never have to leave.  That is, until the parade comes to an end on Carnival Tuesday night and you are wondering how you can ever go back to your regular life after this experience.

3. Breakfast party
Ok, so it's a party and they serve breakfast; how exciting can that be?  Well, you're in for a treat!  Start with arriving in the wee hours of the morning - uh, 3am you say?  Picture masses of food stations serving every type of breakfast and non breakfast item imaginable - bake and shark, scrambled eggs, fish broth, sada roti, chocolate fountain, sushi, salad bar, petite bites of dessert heaven...the list goes on and on.  And then once you eat, it's on to the open bar with every imaginable type of alcoholic (or non-alcoholic drinks) to wet your palate.  And did I forget to mention this is all to beautiful soca music playing in the background?  Take a "wine" while waiting for your dish to be served.  There is truly no feeling like partying while the sun is coming up!

You can have all of these experiences with us at Ultimate Trinidad Carnival!  To learn more, click here.

Til de next lime,

Esha and Tarik

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