
Monday, June 29, 2015

Does Carnival give you super powers?

So, it's true.  Trinidad Carnival gives you "super powers" as soca artist Benjai sang in his song "Phenomenal" in 2015 (click this link to see his video).  Being in Trinidad during Carnival time transforms you. 

 You can go from:
  • The completely shy introvert to a screaming, laughing extrovert, hand in the air waving, filled with joy while watching a live Carnival performance
  • Completely covered up and modest to parading around Port-of-Spain as a Carnival goddess in a skimpy costume
  • A self-professed germ-phobe to playing J'ouvert covered from head to toe in paint and who knows what else (and licking a random guy's bicep covered in chocolate just to see what it tasted like)
These are all real life transformations and experiences that our Ultimate Trinidad Carnival travelers have had over the years, by the way.  We're not making this up!  AND they didn't have to plan any of it.  They just showed up and we took care of the rest.

No matter what you think you can/can't do right now, going to Trinidad Carnival can make you be/do something completely exhilarating and different!  It is the perfect blend of experiences that you have never had before, infectious music that you have never "felt" before, all in a safe group setting with amazing people.  The. perfect. vacation.

Now over to you:
What are your favorite Carnival transformations?  What have you done during Trinidad Carnival that you didn't think you could do (keep it PG please!)?

We'd love to hear it all below; please leave us a comment.

Tweet: 3 Carnival transformations that you HAVE to read about! #travel #bucketlist
3 Carnival transformations that you HAVE to read about! #travel #bucketlist

Share by clicking the icon above, and don't forget to share your favorite Carnival transformations by leaving a comment below!

Til de next lime,

Esha and Tarik

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