
Tuesday, June 16, 2015

We love our clients!

And they love us back!  We've been saying this for a long time, but now you can hear all about our clients' experiences with Ultimate Trinidad Carnival for yourselves.

Allow us to introduce you to Grace, Charlene and Raven Michelle. 
See below to read a little bit more about each of our super-awesome clients and then watch our video below:

About Grace

The first client we would like to introduce you to is Grace of Lendor Consulting.  Grace is now a veteran of Trinidad Carnival since she has traveled with us on 2 separate occasions.  Having been on the Ultimate Trinidad Carnival mailing list for several years, Grace finally decided to take the plunge and experienced this amazing festival with us in 2014 and 2015.  A self-proclaimed "honorary Trini", Grace loves everything about Trinidad Carnival and has especially loved her experience of being a UTC client!

About Charlene

Charlene is a native of Ontario, Canada and became a part of the UTC family in 2015.  During our first conversation with Charlene, we knew she was an "honorary Trini" as she was making pelau, calalloo and stew chicken while we were talking with her!  Determined to make it to Trinidad Carnival to celebrate her birthday, she let us know that she unfortunately didn't have anyone who was ready to travel with her.  "Not a problem," we said!  We quickly matched Charlene up with another one of our clients who was looking for a roommate as well.  Upon hearing that she could get her costume for FREE, Charlene signed up for our Early Feter special and never looked back.  She calls her UTC experience "amazing"!

About Raven Michelle

Raven Michelle came to Ultimate Trinidad Carnival in 2015.  A native of Chicago, Raven Michelle waited to experience Trinidad Carnival for 7 long years after she heard about it from a native Trinidadian.  Once she learned what was included in our packages and the fact that all of the planning was handled for her, she was in!  Raven Michelle purchased one of our Early Feter specials and got her costume for FREE.  The rest is history!  Raven Michelle had a major breakthrough in her costume on Carnival Tuesday because she felt more comfortable and accepted in her own skin.  She also now truly knows that people from all backgrounds can get together and party!

See these clients in our video below:

Now over to you

Thanks for watching!  Please share our video with your friends and family members who would like to experience Trinidad Carnival.  Share below:

Tweet: Got Trinidad Carnival?  Watch Ultimate Trinidad Carnival's video and see how they got their clients there. @tntfeter

Got Trinidad Carnival? Watch Ultimate Trinidad Carnival's video and see how they got their clients there. @tntfeter

Please leave a comment below and let us know what you think about our video.  Should you have any questions about our packages, or if you're ready to book, please contact us.

Til de next lime,

Esha and Tarik

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