
Friday, December 9, 2016

#2 of the top 5 things to experience during Atlanta Carnival

#2 - Front of the de line access

And we're back with our Atlanta Carnival countdown!  If you’ve been to any fete (aka party for the newbies) in North America, then you know this one:

*steups* "I hate standing in line for a fete!  Why dey cyah make dese lines move fastah!"

As you wait and wait and wait (sometimes in the freezing cold if you live in the north), your desire to party wanes and wanes.  You continue to wait because the line is kind of moving, you’ve gotten dressed to go out and already used your gas to get here!  Then *gasp* you’re FINALLY at the front of the line and you’re in!

Trust us - we feel you - having stood in many "fete lines" ourselves.  The only place we’ve found this is was not true for fetes is in Trinidad during Carnival time.  The lines keep flowing and you get into “de dance” in record time!  We thought that Trinidad was the only place this magical thing called "instant fete access" (grin) was possible - that is until now…

One of the top 5 things you get to experience with us during Atlanta Carnival is front of de line access.  YES!  Finally, you’ll get into de fete without having to wait forever in line.

And there’s more.  With your front of de line access tickets to the hottest fetes, you’ll also get access to the Ultimate Atlanta Carnival tent at 2 of the fetes on our itinerary!  That means you’ll have your own private area to party.  Hmmm, we may have some special goodies just for you (free drinks anyone?)…

If you haven’t signed up for our mailing list yet, click here to do so.  We’ll be launching the Ultimate Atlanta Carnival Experience to everyone on our mailing list on December 16th.

We’ll be back with #1 on our countdown…

Til de next lime

Esha and Tarik

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