
Monday, July 25, 2016

#1 of the top 10 things to experience during Trinidad Carnival

(1)  J'ouvert
And then there was 1. In our (humble opinion), the #1 thing to experience during Trinidad Carnival is J'ouvert!!!!!

Just imagine, it's 5am. The sky is that perfect shade of grey, that signals the dawn is coming. You're covered from head to toe in blue paint, dancing with someone you just met. Your drink cup is in your hand and... let's just say it's not your 2nd (or 3rd or 4th) drink. Yuh head nice as the locals say.  Dutty and yuh doh care, having the time of your life, until the sun comes up!

So, let's run through what your J'ouvert experience will be like with Ultimate Trinidad Carnival:

  • You'll wake up while it's still dark outside. Yes, you read that correctly! The wee hours of the morning is when the magic of J'ouvert happens. Once you're out of bed and dressed in your "get dutty"clothes, then we'll whisk you away to meet the band. 
  • Get food in yuh belly. Grab some doubles, corn soup, bake and saltfish, and coffee to wake up. If you don't know what any of those delicious dishes are, shame on you! Revisit our blog about Trini foods to get up to speed. 
  • Put something on your body. Once the paint buckets are out, grab some with your hands to put on yourself or someone else! The paint will be mobile, so don't worry, there's plenty to go around :) 
  • Time fuh a drink. Visit 1 of the mobile bars (yes, on big 18 wheeler trucks) with your cup in hand for your choice of alcohol. The bar will be open aaaaalllll morning, so drink at your own pace! 
  • Follow de truck! Chip behind de truck, singing along to the sweet soca pumping from the trucks, as the DJ's spin the latest tunes. Be sure to get more paint on yourself from the passing paint patrol (usually in squirt bottles or buckets). 
  • Party until the sun comes up and the band stops playing music (whichever comes first lol)! The party is really just warming up because after J'ouvert is the start of the Carnival parade (this was number 2 and number 3 on our list).

Soooo, that's the end of our countdown! We're sure you're wondering how to get you some Carnival after reading the top 10, so click here to learn how you can join us!  Our 2017 Ultimate Trinidad Carnival Experience is 50% SOLD OUT, so don't get left behind...

Til de next lime,


Esha and Tarik

P.S.: Don't forget to share this with your friends by using the icons below!

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